Monday, December 24, 2012

From you I receive, to you I give ... Elle Collier Re

There is great power in truly meeting another.  

But we have imposed barriers between us, perhaps in the grappling of our expression of individuality?   
Up until now we're only partly conscious of each other.   
What happens when for a moment we drop all barriers?  
Maybe in our deepest heart it's what we yearn for, to share the gift of our self/essence.   
Then what we wish to receive from the other is simply ‘them’.

This meeting with Elle Collier Re has been a real holiday gift for me.  I hope that you will find it as my holiday gift for you. 
In my heart I feel that it is something very special.

This is a very unique dialogue from all those that I have heard. Elle doesn't merely deliver a spiritual line but she recreates her thoughts in every moment. What is delivered is so fresh and so full of  new discovery. It is amazing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gina Lake, gentle pointers to truth …

What great and honourable intentions I felt from Gina Lake. 
She held me in her spiritual arms and I felt at sweet home. 
Core truths are such good reminders, and help bring us to our true intention for this life.  
The open space of good feeling is such an important result of our sharing and interacting. 
Gina knows this to a tee.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I talk with Isira, Authenticity of the Heart

What a pleasure it was for me to rest in the presence of Isira. Let alone to show case our Australian representative of a penetrating clarity from the female perspective. 
I found Isira expressed so much helpful insight in this talk.

No detachment here, as her responses were always practical to this life as well as insightful to our upward awaking. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Third Face2Face, Circle of Friends

Eight people come together and magic works its wonders ..People meeting and receiving each other.
For those with eyes and ears, that don't get lost in the content of their own interpretation, this is raw beauty ... an inquiry into Transformation.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Integrity of the Heart" Julia Schlosser and Reenah Sun

This video with Julia and the previous one with Ananta are the beginning of my series on practical spirituality with the feminine principle.

I found Julia so mature, so felt, so transparently honest, and so inspiring. 
She spoke from a wisdom of experience, and has gone through her own fire of her body preparing to carry her awakening out into the world.

We even shared how the feminine awakening is an immense relief for the masculine, and frees his creativity and his sense of resting in the world.
How can we stand by each other to support the woman of the 21st century? 
How can we find our own authenticity and see from there the obviousness of our common dream?  How can we hold a collective vision and re-write the programming that our society mimics, so that our children can have fulfilling, sustainable lives?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Love is Holding it All

Here is a taste of what you will hear in the full video with Ananta and I. It is a new look into the feminine and a responsibility for both the love and the emotion that goes hand and hand with that love. Awakened ladies, be the embracing mother for all of mankind.

Face the World Collective Drama with Ananta

The power of words. This is such a powerful excerpt and it both explains and points to the way out of the whole of human drama. This is the collective under which yoke we are all pulling. 

2nd Face2Face Circle of Friends of ETTV

With this Hangout series I begin to see how rich and what depth there is in every contact we make on every day of our lives.
So often we focus only on spoken content, or whether by our internal agreement or disagreement we have defined this person as "friend or foe".
We look at whether we should be antagonistic or supportive before we even begin.
This ‘rigid’ listening seems absent from these hangouts.

Yes we also have great content, but we are reaching new levels of authenticity and honesty.
We are finding untapped comfortable self acceptance, to stand in front of each other and give and receive without a guard or barrier.
In that action we can know ourselfs at greater depth.
I am so honored to be in your midst, and take my organizer role as a complete honor.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ananta on the Patterns of Conditioning

Are we all here to allow the whole of Humanity to Flow Full-on through this (my) Human Form?  Can we say Yes to that?  Is that what Awakening actually is?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Art of Pairing-Extraordinary Relationship

What better way to see life than through the eyes of our partner.

We want to talk with couples world wide and share what works for us, to stay out of reaction and continouosly build our love. It can't help spilling over into all of our life.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Face2Face, 5-way Dialogue

Sunday I had the delightful pleasure of hanging out with 4 other forum members in 5 countries and 3 continents.

We were sharing on a topic close to our hearts, but I couldn’t help notice that something deeper was taking place, a meeting of 5 hearts. … What does it mean to really ‘receive another?’ … 
With all our differences, one thing we have in common is our apparent willingness to see who we are.  I believe Face2Face must be a "next level" for our forum sharing.  I have been focusing on this since I organized for ten of us to appear on Never Not Here in these previous months.  Now with Hangouts we can take matters into our own hands.
Let's develop our listening skills, learn to take lightly our trigger points, learn where to apply our sharp wit and/or a loving acceptance.  Let's get more of you onto the next encounter.  Let's drop our self critic and take a chance to bask in love.  Some regulars and surely priority for some new faces.  After all, there are 10 slots in the Hangout format and we are not creating a "panel of experts".
Whomever feels the calling, drop me a line.  Depending on the response, is every 2 weeks a good rhythm?  
reenahsun (at)

Love from Reenah and the gang.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Every Justification we Tell Ourselves . . . 

. . . is for the sole purpose of sticking us in our life as we know it.  If we are enjoying our day by day flow, sure keep the explanations going.  If we have any hint of suffering let's just tell ourself something a little different.

How many teachers say that we really can't know anything.  That is a state where there is no YOU.  It is pretty fast sledding for most of us.  

OK, let's also enjoy this apparent period in our lives, so make a few reasons to have it hang around a little.  But you get the picture, if it hurts, don't feed it.

How Long Do We Stay in Reaction . . .

Awakening isn't about never reacting.  But how long do you stay stuck in the mud?  I can think of times in my life were the same bog had me for 10 years.  Now I don't care to give that dirt 10 minutes.

Let's face it with brutal honesty, what is happening in our life is what we are most committed to.  This is obvious because it is where we insist on placing our attention.  Are we such robots that we are completely helpless on what grabs our attention?