Monday, October 8, 2012

Face2Face, 5-way Dialogue

Sunday I had the delightful pleasure of hanging out with 4 other forum members in 5 countries and 3 continents.

We were sharing on a topic close to our hearts, but I couldn’t help notice that something deeper was taking place, a meeting of 5 hearts. … What does it mean to really ‘receive another?’ … 
With all our differences, one thing we have in common is our apparent willingness to see who we are.  I believe Face2Face must be a "next level" for our forum sharing.  I have been focusing on this since I organized for ten of us to appear on Never Not Here in these previous months.  Now with Hangouts we can take matters into our own hands.
Let's develop our listening skills, learn to take lightly our trigger points, learn where to apply our sharp wit and/or a loving acceptance.  Let's get more of you onto the next encounter.  Let's drop our self critic and take a chance to bask in love.  Some regulars and surely priority for some new faces.  After all, there are 10 slots in the Hangout format and we are not creating a "panel of experts".
Whomever feels the calling, drop me a line.  Depending on the response, is every 2 weeks a good rhythm?  
reenahsun (at)

Love from Reenah and the gang.

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